924 lines
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924 lines
124 KiB
<view :style="{marginTop: titleTop + 'px', backgroundColor:'#ffffff', width: '100%', position: 'relative', height: 'calc(100% - ' + titleTop+'px)' }" class="xinchou-container">
<view class="title">薪酬管理</view>
<view class="topView">
<view class="headImg" @click="my()"></view>
<view class="top-tab">
<view class="tab">
<view class="item-container" @click="tabChange(1)">
<view class="item" >
<view :class="nowTab == 1 ? 'tab-title-focus' : 'tab-title'">
<view :class="nowTab == 1 ? 'bottom-line-focus' : 'bottom-line'" ></view>
<view class="item-container" @click="tabChange(2)">
<view class="item" >
<view :class="nowTab == 2 ? 'tab-title-focus' : 'tab-title'">
<view :class="nowTab == 2 ? 'bottom-line-focus' : 'bottom-line'"></view>
<view class="filter-btn" @click="filterOpen">
<!-- 普通弹窗 -->
<uni-popup ref="popup" style="z-index: 10000" type="bottom" >
<view class="popup-content dialog" :class="{'popup-height': type === 'left' || type === 'right' }">
<view class="filter-line1">
<view class="label">任务名称</view>
<input type="text" v-model="queryParams.taskName"></input>
<view class="filter-line1">
<view class="label">日期</view>
<view class="example-body">
<uni-datetime-picker type="date" :clear-icon="true" v-model="queryParams.taskDate" @maskClick="maskClick" @change="timeChange($event)"/>
<view class="filter-line2">
<view class="reset-btn" @click="reset()">重置</view>
<view class="submit-btn" @click="search">确定</view>
<!-- <uni-popup style="z-index: 10000" ref="popup" type="bottom" border-radius="10px 10px 0 0">-->
<!-- <view class="selectContext">-->
<!-- <view class="select-item" @click="filter(0)">全部任务</view>-->
<!-- <view class="select-item" @click="filter(1)">进行中的任务</view>-->
<!-- <view class="select-item" @click="filter(2)">已结束的任务</view>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </uni-popup>-->
<!-- <uni-collapse-item>-->
<!-- <view class="content">-->
<!-- <text class="text">折叠内容主体,这是一段比较长内容。默认折叠主要内容,只显示当前项标题。点击标题展开,才能看到这段文字。再次点击标题,折叠内容。</text>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </uni-collapse-item>-->
<scroll-view v-if="nowTab==1" class="xinchou-list"
<view class="card" @click="goDetails(task)" v-for="(task, index) in taskList" :key="index">
<view class="line1">
<view class="task-name">
<view class="line2">
<view class="date-icon"></view>
<view class="date">用工日期:{{task.taskDate}}</view>
<view class="day-price">
<view class="day-price-icon"></view>
<view class="price">
<view class="card-container">
<view class="line3">
<view class="num-container">
<view class="num-label">
<view class="num">
<view class="num-container">
<view class="num-label">
<view class="num">
<view class="num-container">
<view class="num-label">
<view class="num">
<view class="num-container">
<view class="num-label">
<view class="num">
<view class="line4">
<view class="line4-1">
<view class="line4-1-1">
<view class="icon"></view>
<view class="text">发薪笔数 {{task.yfNum}}</view>
<view class="text">实发笔数 {{task.sfNum}}</view>
<view class="text">待发笔数 {{task.dfNum}}</view>
<view class="line4-1-2">
<view class="icon"></view>
<view class="date-label">发布时间: {{task.createTime}}</view>
<view class="button"></view>
<view v-if="showLoading" class="load-more">加载中...</view>
<view v-if="showNoMore" class="no-more">没有更多数据了</view>
<scroll-view v-if="nowTab == 2" class="fund-record"
<view class="fund-item" v-for="(task, index) in taskList">
<view class="fund-item-title">
<view class="task-name"> {{task.taskName}} </view>
<view class="date"> {{task.taskDate}}</view>
<view class="dj">日结单价(元):<view>{{task.dayPrice}}</view></view>
<view class="fund-item-tbl">
<uni-table ref="table" :loading="loading" border stripe emptyText="暂无更多数据" @selection-change="selectionChange">
<uni-th width="80" align="center">用工姓名</uni-th>
<uni-th width="107" align="center">手机号码</uni-th>
<uni-th width="80" align="center">发薪状态</uni-th>
<uni-th width="80" align="center">实发金额</uni-th>
<uni-th width="80" align="center">应发金额</uni-th>
<uni-th width="162" align="center">身份证号</uni-th>
<uni-th width="200" align="center">备注</uni-th>
<uni-tr v-for="(sign, i) in task.listSign" :key="i" v-if="sign.status == 1">
<uni-td width="80" align="center">{{ sign.employeeName }}</uni-td>
<uni-td width="90" align="center">{{ sign.phone }}</uni-td>
<uni-td width="80" align="center"><view class="status"><view :class="'status' + getPayStatus(sign).status"></view></view></uni-td>
<uni-td width="80" align="center">{{ sign.stEmployeeFundRecord == null ? 0 : sign.stEmployeeFundRecord.realPrice }}</uni-td>
<uni-td width="80" align="center">{{ task.dayPrice }}</uni-td>
<uni-td width="162" align="center">{{ sign.idCard }}</uni-td>
<uni-td width="200" align="center">{{ sign.remark == null ? "无" : sign.remark}}</uni-td>
<!-- <uni-td>-->
<!-- <view class="name">{{ item.name }}</view>-->
<!-- </uni-td>-->
<!-- <uni-td align="center">{{ item.address }}</uni-td>-->
<!-- <uni-td>-->
<!-- <view class="uni-group">-->
<!-- <button class="uni-button" size="mini" type="primary">修改</button>-->
<!-- <button class="uni-button" size="mini" type="warn">删除</button>-->
<!-- </view>-->
<!-- </uni-td>-->
<view v-if="showLoading" class="load-more">加载中...</view>
<view v-if="showNoMore" class="no-more">没有更多数据了</view>
import { getTaskList } from "@/api/task";
export default {
data() {
return {
titleTop: 0,
statusBarHeight: 0,
fundRecord: [],
queryParams: {
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
dateStatus: 0,
taskName: null,
taskDate: null,
taskList: [],
nowTab: 1,
realName: "",
// 是否显示加载更多的loading
showLoading: false,
// 是否显示无更多数据提示
showNoMore: false,
triggered: false,
isOpenRefresh: true,
containerScrollTop: 0,
onLoad: function() {
let that = this;
// 获取胶囊按钮位置信息
const menuButtonInfo = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect();
const { top, height } = menuButtonInfo;
const statusBarHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight;
// 计算标题需要偏移的位置
const titleTop = top + (height - statusBarHeight) / 2;
this.titleTop = titleTop;//设置标题顶部距离
this.statusBarHeight = statusBarHeight;//设置状态栏高度
this.realName = this.$store.state.user.nickName
methods: {
this.containerScrollTop = e.scrollTop
if (this.containerScrollTop > 0){
this.isOpenRefresh = false
this.isOpenRefresh = true
if (this.showLoading || this.showNoMore) {
// 显示加载更多的loading
this.showLoading = true;
// 请求数据
// 刷新函数
refresh() {
// 请求数据
this.triggered = true;
this.queryParams.pageNum = 1;
// console.log("upper")
// console.log("scroll", e.detail)
onPulling(e) {
// console.log("onpulling", e.detail);
if (e.detail.dy < 8) return // 防止上滑页面也触发下拉
this.triggered = true;
// 加载更多函数
loadMore() {
// console.log("loadMore")
// 判断是否正在加载更多或已经没有更多数据
if (this.showLoading || this.showNoMore) {
// 显示加载更多的loading
this.showLoading = true;
// 请求数据
goDetails(item) {
url: "../fundDetails?id=" + item.id
getList() {
if (this.showNoMore && this.queryParams.pageNum > 1){
var that = this;
getTaskList(this.queryParams).then(response => {
if (that.queryParams.pageNum > 1){
that.taskList = that.taskList.concat(response.rows);
that.taskList = response.rows;
if (response.rows.length < this.queryParams.pageSize){
that.showNoMore = true;
that.showNoMore = false;
that.showLoading = false;
that.triggered = false;
that.total = response.total;
this.queryParams.pageNum = 1;
this.queryParams.pageNum = 1;
this.queryParams.taskName = null;
this.queryParams.taskDate = null;
timeChange(e) {
this.queryParams.taskDate = e;
this.nowTab = tab;
if (sign.stEmployeeFundRecord == null || sign.stEmployeeFundRecord.payStatus == 0){
return {"text": "未发放", "status": 0};
if (sign.stEmployeeFundRecord.payStatus == 1){
return {"text": "已发放", "status": 1};
if (sign.stEmployeeFundRecord.payStatus == 2){
return {"text": "发放失败", "status": 2};
return {"text": "未发放", "status": 0};
url: "../my"
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